Be sure to read Part I of my Thirty Years of Photography series covering 1989 – 2000.
In 2000 all of my film photo gear was was stolen from the back of my computer store. This was a tragedy for me photographically and I didn’t get a new camera for months. The plus side was that it made me learn an important lesson: Don’t look at the world through a viewfinder all the time, if you do you’ll miss all of the spectacular if not photogenic scenes around you. You need to put the camera down and just take in the vistas from time to time. I did get a new camera eventually, and when I was looking through the viewfinder I came up with the photos below.
The Year Two Thousand and One
We weren’t on the way to Jupiter, but we did have digital cameras and I got my first in 2001.
Two Thousand and Two
Two Thousand and Three
Two Thousand and Four
2004 was uneventful photographically so there isn’t anything here.. I still didn’t have a really nice camera and almost all of the photos were of family gatherings.
Two Thousand and Five
2005 was the year of my first solo train trip. I wanted to see what it would be like to go to Montana in December. Here are a few of photos from that trip.
Two Thousand and Six
2006 was when I really returned to photography. I got my nice Canon S2IS advanced point and shoot and got creative control of my pictures again. It’s also when I started getting enlargement quality photos.
In 2006 I went on my third long-distance train trip. The three principle destinations were Chicago, Essex (Montana,) and Denver. It was a twelve day epic adventure. I’m not going to include too many photos from that trip here. I hope to someday transfer my tale and photos to this blog, but if you’re willing to experience a website from 2006 you can see it all at my old website, Trainwacko.com.
Back home to Atascadero and a few more local photographs. These two are from the Paso Robles car show.
And these two are from the fields around my house in Atascadero, California. I’d always wanted a photo of the brown grasses, and the barbed wire picture was one attempt. It turned out boring as Hell, so I messed with the saturation and came up with the photo as you see it here.
Two Thousand and Seven
Another year, another train ride. This time to New York City. Many more photos and videos are at Trainwacko.com.
Home from my New York train trip, it was time to photograph California again. The next set of photos are from all around the state.
Two Thousand and Eight
Another year, another train trip. This time to Denver. I shot mostly video on this trip, not a lot of stills. This tale is also available at Trainwacko.com.
2008 also had me on my first good road trip in a long time. I started off at home in California and visited Bryce Canyon National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Natural Bridges National Monument, Mesa Verde National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, and Hoover Dam.
As usual, not being on a road trip doesn’t mean I’m close to home. These two were taken in northern California on the back roads between San Jose and Livermore.
Back on the road – this time I’m getting my kicks on Route 66.
Back on yet another train – to Vermont to visit a friend I met on the train to Denver.
And that’s the end of Part II. Next month, the final chapter in my 30 Years of Photography series.