National Parks We Love – Our Top Five* List

(With guest contributor, KJ Swan of National Parks are the greatest destinations in the United States of America. From the 8.3 million acre Wrangell-St. Elias in Alaska to the tiny 91 acre Gateway Arch in Missouri, National Parks preserve and protect over 130,000 square miles of American soil. There …

Two Days in San Francisco

We arrived in San Francisco the afternoon of Wednesday the 21st of December. We arrived early, so before checking into our hotel we headed over to the Holy Virgin Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church on the recommendation of the wise people of the Internet as an interesting place to see. As we walked by we noticed that the front door was open and stepped inside. The church was full of people, both in the main sanctuary as well as an outer vestibule. We stood and watched the service with interest. After a time, the service seemed to be closing down and…

Featured Location: Morro Bay, California

Morro Bay is a small fishing community located on the Pacific ocean half way between San Francisco and Los Angeles. It’s probably best known for it’s landmark volcanic cone, Morro Rock, at the harbor entrance and perhaps only slightly less known for the three tall stacks of the old power plant at the harbor’s edge. Morro Rock is a 581-foot high volcanic plug, the hardened remnants of magma that was inside a volcano over 20 million years ago. Over time the rest of the volcano eroded away leaving the relatively tiny Morro Rock behind…