Videos from Yellowstone (and points nearby) 2019

You may have noticed that there were no “New Uploads” posts for September, October, or even November, and that I’ve fallen behind on my last entry into my “Thirty Years of Photography” series. That’s because in early September I took a trip to Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding area. I spent the rest of September going thorough all my photos to pick out the best, in October I posted them to my Facebook page as I edited them, and in November I’ve been writing descriptions and posting them to my store and brand-new Instagram account. (See, this is why you should follow me on Facebook and Instagram!)

While waiting for me to finish writing about the journey and picking out photos to tell the story, enjoy the following videos I made along the way.

Shoshone Falls

Looking over Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Craters of the Moon National Monument

This is a four-minute video of part of the drive through Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho that gives a good overview of the landscape.


This video is about eleven minutes long and is a tour of the world’s first nuclear power plant near Arco, Idaho.

Yellowstone National Park

There were no roadrunners in Yellowstone, but there were coyotes. This short video is of a coyote (Canis latrans) we saw on our first day in the park.

Bison were everywhere. I knew that I’d likely see some on this trip, but I was totally unprepared for just how many there would be! This is also from the first day, in Hayden Valley. Sorry for the shaky video, I shot this using a four pound, eighteen inch long 600mm telephoto lens being battered around by heavy wind.

This is Orange Spring Mound. I could watch and listen to this for hours. Unfortunately every minute to so a car would drive by, so the best I could do was this 40 second video.

This video is from Lamar Valley. This part of the park is renowned for its wildlife viewing opportunities. When Bison decide to cross the road it can cause quite the traffic jam.

This next video is of my favorite spring, Beach Spring on Geyser Hill. It would stand quietly for about seven minutes, then start bubbling as seen in the video before calming back down for another seven minutes.

This last video is a long two hour and eighteen minutes of driving from our cabin at Old Faithful Cabins up Grand Loop Road to Mammoth Hot Springs. This video gives a good overview of what you’ll likely see while driving thought the park.

Just an FYI on this one – It was too big for YouTube so it’s playing the full 1080p video whether it’s in the window below or you tell it to play full screen, so go ahead and play it full size – it will look better, too.

Enjoy the jazz, and I’ll be back soon with the story of the trip!


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